Barons of the Galaxy - In Development |
Barons of the Galaxy has recently launched live on May 13th, 2017.
For more details on our development progress visit the Development Log section of our Forum
Future Development
Currently Working On
- Large Faction based Events.
- Political Reputation System
Items below have been implemented
August - 2017
July - 2017
- Working on Megastructures
- Custom Rulership Voting
June - 2017
- Military Escort System
- Rulership Charters
- Strategic Orbits
May - 2017
- Game launched May 13th 2017!
- Bug Fixes
- Stability Improvements
April - 2017
- Final Beta Test.
- Payment System through Paypal.
- Optimizing pages, graphical improvements
- Implement artwork for the remaining units.
March - 2017
- Asteroids and mining resources on them.
- Re-work of Sol System and Free Accounts.
- Planning a 2nd Beta Test for April 1st
January/February - 2017
- Performance overhaul of the UI
- Implement artowrk for the remaining 20+ units.
December - 2016
- Mysterious Artifacts Added. Puzzle quests which reward with special units.
- Rework some of the UI, bug fixes and "Quality of Life" improvements to the game.
- Added War Reparations and other events.
- Implement artowrk for more units.
November - 2016
- Distribution center structure to more easily sell multiple products in a city.
- Load/Save Military Orders list.
- Product Salvage for credits.
- Asset Screen Modes to display different information in different ways.
- Reduced Product Types for Farms/Ranches. Service products now go under a main building.
- City Expansion rules have changed to promote more concentration in lesser cities.
- Contracts to Sell Military Units
August - 2016
- Artifact Item Deployment. Using artifacts to either boosts units, effect location or initiate events.
- Open Beta Test going well. Preparing for Kickstarter Launch on August 8th, 2016.
- More event ideas in the works.
July - 2016
- Some changes to the buy/sell mechanics based on what we saw in Alpha Test
- Artifact Item creation is in place. Deploying an artifact for a useful effect is being worked on now.
- Open Beta Test Launched with over 100 new sign ups in a couple of days!
June - 2016
- We had our server go down hard and it took a week to get antoher one back up. Luckily there was no loss of data and Alpha Test 3 went live.
- Event System - More events have been added with different features to test such as voting, versions that are of Planetary and System wide scope and random flavor text
- Design Artifacts system - Some groundwork for artifacts has been laid out, hopefully can try some of it within the month.
May - 2016
- Event System - Only City ruler event actually implemented but system is mostly in place. Need to start adding events.
- Design Artifacts system - Artificats is a special resource which can create special items, quests or units with unique abilities.
- Alpha test of the game being played all month. Last major overhaul and Alpha 3 launching May 29th 2016.
April - 2016
- Event System - Random interactive events system with branching scenarios that can be voted on.
- Galaxy expansion system - As nearby stars are populated by players, more of them nearby become available.
- Launching an Alpha test of the game planned for April 10th 2016
March - 2016
- Contracts - Reworked contract system somewhat. Working well now.
- Comms Tab - Communications system works like mini forum with channels for different systems.
- Cleanup system - Most of the site has had a once over for obvious problem. Database optimizations made
- Game system and restart scripts make the game ready for Alpha testing!
February - 2016
- Kickstarter Campaign Unsuccessful. Will try again possibly May, 2016!
- Combat features
- Units can "Raid" for products as opposed to attack to destroy
- Damaged Units are less effective in combat
- Attacking costs +20% of units normal upkeep
- Battles in cities cause population damage
- Sol System populated by default. Terran Federation units spawn automaticaly.
January - 2016
- Kickstarter Campaign - Put together a video and kickstarter page planned for February 8th, 2016!
December - 2015
- Titles System - Titles for top 3 players in every industry, Military and government by City, Planet and System.
- Combat Groups - Combining several units into a single "Group" and giving orders to that group just like a single unit.
November - 2015
- Combat system - "Orders" page, Combat UI, Database implementation
- Guild System - Guild inerface, Combat implementation
October - 2015
- Upgrade System - Upgrade your Corporate HQ and apply effects to all structures
- Planet and graphic reworks.
September - 2015
- Trade contracts between corporations
- Tutorial page.
August - 2015
- The front end of the website is fully functional. Soft launch website.
June - 2015
- The game is more than half finished.
- Many parts are fully functional and part of the current development is actually playing the game.
- Starting a corporation, building structures, moving untis around, mining/buying/selling resources and other products is all working.
- The Overview, Viewscreen, Assets and Corporate tab are functional.
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